Congenital or acquired problems in myocardium cause heart failure. To study congenital heart failure, we have used TO-2 hamsters.1,2) To study the acquired type, we have used experimental autoimmune myocarditis (EAM). The immunization of Lewis rats with pig cardiac myosin results in acute myocarditis-induced heart failure followed around 8 weeks late by a stable chronic phase.3) We have investigated the therapeutic effects of several drugs and conducted etiological studies in the acute and chronic phases of heart failure using the EAM model. [3][4][5][6] We have been interested in proteins that correlate well with the progression of EAM-induced heart failure. In the present study, we conducted a proteomic analysis to specify and identify proteins which correlate well with the changes in cardiac function in the chronic phase of heart failure. Although there have been several reports of proteomic analyses of heart failure, 7-11) none was on EAM-induced heart failure. Moreover, these reports compared only levels of proteins with those in normal heart, and did not examine the correlation between protein expression and cardiac function. A detailed comparison of changes in protein expression with changes in the heart function of the failing heart would provide insights into the mechanisms underlying myocardial remodeling and deterioration and may lead to the discovery of potential drug targets.In this study, we performed a detailed comparison of changes in protein expression in the EAM-induced chronic heart failure model with heart function and pathological parameters. We focused on major proteins in myocardium prefractionated into membranous (M) and soluble (S) fractions.We found several proteins, including glucose regulated protein (GRP)78 and heat shock protein (HSP)90b which showed excellent correlations between their levels and heart functions.
Animals and ProceduresNine-week-old male Lewis rats (Charles River Japan Inc., Kanagawa, Japan) were used. Autoimmune myocarditis was induced as described previously.3) Ten immunized rats were used as a heart failure group (HF-group) and 10 age-matched normal Lewis rats were used as a control group (N-group). The morbidity of experimental autoimmune myocarditis was 100%. The acute phase of myocarditis-induced heart failure ceased at around 4 weeks and stable chronic heart failure developed. The rats were used at 8 weeks after immunization (HF-group). The protocol was approved by the Committee on the Guidelines for Animal Experimentation of Niigata University. All animals were treated in accordance with the guidelines for animal experiments as laid out by our institute.Measurement of Hemodynamic Parameters Echo cardiographs and hemodynamic parameters were measured under 2% isoflurane in pure oxygen gas anesthesia with spontaneous respiration.1,3) B-and M-mode echo-cardiograms were obtained using a linear scan probe (13 MHz, EUB6500, Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan). The ejection fraction (EF) and fractional shortening (FS) were calculated. Left ventricular press...