“…However, publishing articles in journals of a different discipline is not unusual for scholars. For example, social work scholars often publish articles in the American Journal of Orthopsychiatry (Al-Krenawi et al, 2007; Benbenishty et al, 2018), Journal of Behavioral Medicine (Ai et al, 2009; Ai et al, 2011; Levy et al, 2010), and Journal of Nursing Care Quality (Galambos et al, 2021), whereas scholars of nursing (Chen et al, 2020; Julion et al, 2021), law (Braun, 2021) and education (Chacón-Cuberos et al, 2021) publish articles in Research Social Work Practice . Therefore, merely focusing on papers published in discipline-restricted journals (Ho, 2013; Holden et al, 2005; Holden et al, 2009; Holosko et al, 2017; Lacasse et al, 2011; Martínez et al, 2014) or non-discipline-restricted journals (Klein & Bloom, 1992; Lacasse et al, 2011) can only paint half the picture of the major research activities and the dynamic nature of social work.…”