In a previous work, the first and third authors studied a random knot model for all two-bridge knots using billiard table diagrams. Here we present a closed formula for the distribution of the crossing numbers of such random knots. We also show that the probability of any given knot appearing in this model decays to zero at an exponential rate as the length of the billiard table goes to infinity. This confirms a conjecture from the previous work. 1 knots are parametrized by the already-closed curve (cos(at + φ), cos(bt + θ), cos(ct + ψ)) where t ∈ [0, 2π], and φ, θ, ψ ∈ R are fixed phase shifts [BHJS94, JP98, HZ07, BDHZ09].Not all knots are harmonic or Lissajous. However, the diagrams resulting from the projection of Lissajous curves to the xy-plane give rise to all knots by suitable choice of the crossing information. This was shown by Lamm [Lam99] in the study of Fourier knots.Koseleff and Pecker [KP11b] prove a similar statement for the open harmonic path (cos at, cos bt), in their work on Chebyshev knots. They reparametrize it as (T a (t), T b (t)) using the Chebyshev polynomials T n (cos θ) = cos nθ, and show that any choice for the crossings can be realized by some z(t) = T c (t + φ). Vassiliev represents all knots by polynomials in [Vas90].