“…While we include articles that fit within these more classic settings (e.g., Baldwin et al, ; Carlisle & Gruby, ), the special issue includes cases that are not classic CPR settings, such as polycentric social movements in climate justice (Tormos‐Aponte & García‐López, ); oil and gas regulations (Heikkila & Weible, ); and biofuels (Thiel & Moser, ). Additionally, the special issue offers advancements in understanding the more classic CPR settings, by paying attention to multidimensional problems such as the maintenance of the ecological health of urban water systems (Schröder, ) or the management of water and energy by user associations/organizations (Villamayor‐Tomas, ). In Schröder's () article, she argues that the maintenance of ecological health in water systems in Berlin and Hamburg involves the governance of least four features of the resource system, including chemical water quality, water quantity, connectivity for fishers and morphology.…”