“…In contrast, the AFM, albeit at typically 3-5 times lower resolution, has mainly been employed to depict at the single-event level structural changes of the NPC that correlate with different functional states (cf. Jaggi et al, 2003;Lim et al, 2006aLim et al, , 2007Lim et al, , 2006bMaco et al, 2006;Mooren et al, 2004;Sanner et al, 2005;Schlune et al, 2006;Stoffler et al, 1999c;Stolz et al, 2007;Wang and Clapham, 1999). Taken together, while the EM provides static views of NPC structure or, at best, snapshots of its structural dynamics or plasticity, time-lapse AFM can directly watch single NPCs at work.…”