“…Several authors found such a binding of CA or their derivatives. They used various techniques, such as equilibrium dialysis (Powis, 1975;Sager et al, 1987;Boomsma et al, 1991;Trovik et al, 1992), electrophoresis (Mirkin et al, 1966;Teixeira et al, 1979) and gel ¢ltration (Zia et al, 1971;Danon and Sapira, 1972;May et al, 1974;Powis, 1975;Teixeira et al, 1979). Although some authors could not ¢nd any interaction between CA and albumin (Bickel and Bovet, 1962;Mirkin et al, 1966), others reported the binding of A and NA to serum albumin (Danon and Sapira, 1972), a-or bglobulins (Mirkin et al, 1966;Teixeira et al, 1979), a-acid glycoprotein (Sager et al, 1987), lipoproteins and immunoglobulin M (Powis, 1975).…”