“…Most research addressing children in tourism approaches it from the perspective of the so-called "grey areas" -child labour or child prostitution -e.g., the studies by Hall (2011), Johnson (2011Johnson ( , 2014, Magablih and Naamneh (2010), Montgomery (2008), Robertson (2008), and Tepelus (2008). Another issue concerning children and tourism is traveling with people who have special needs or require special care (Kim & Lehto, 2013;Ottolini, Rajnik, & Hickey, 2015;Polli & Polli, 2015). Some studies do explore the influence of children on decisions about travel and tourism within the family, such as Gram (2006Gram ( , 2007, Kozak and Duman (2012), Liang (2013), Nickerson and Jurowski (2001), Thornton, Shaw, and Williams (1997), and Wang, Hsieh, Yeh, and Tsai (2004).…”