“…Compared with many earlier estimates, our age estimates (Figure a; Table ) indicate a relatively older age of the Pooideae and Poaceae, with crown node ages at 61–77 and 101–112 Ma, respectively. Our findings are, however, in line with recent analyses that have taken into account updated information from the fossil record (Bouchenak‐Khelladi et al, ; Burke et al, ; Christin et al, ; Marcussen et al, ; Prasad et al, ; Vanneste, Maere, & Peer, ; Wang et al, ). Studies that found considerably younger ages (i.e., 59–70 Ma for Poaceae) typically did not include these fossils (Bouchenak‐Khelladi, Muasya, & Linder, ; Christin et al, ; Kellogg, ; Marcussen et al, ; Vicentini, Barber, Aliscioni, Giussani, & Kellogg, ) or inferred ages by molecular substitution rates rather than fossil calibration (Goff et al, ; Paterson, Bowers, & Chapman, ; Schlueter et al, ; Wang et al, 2015; The International Brachypodium Initiative, ).…”