“…Finally, Appendix 1 (1) summarizes the principal features of representative studies concerning the general area of neuroscience and hormesis, including but not limited to neuronal survival, neurite outgrowth, and astrocytes, and (2) provides a set of graphs of these dose responses along with quotes from each paper providing the authors' assessment of the dose-response findings as well as an interpretational segment provided by the original authors or myself. As noted already, far more extensive and integrative critiques of the effects of pharmacological agents on neuronal survival, neurite outgrowth, and astrocyte adaptation are provided in the subsequent three articles (Calabrese, 2008a(Calabrese, , 2008b(Calabrese, , 2008c. Chu, 2001), have been shown to enhance markers of neuronal survival at low doses while being inhibitory or toxic at higher doses.…”