“…The vinculin P1 mutant (P843A, P844A, P846A, P847A), P2 mutant (P860A, P861A, P863A, P864A) and P3 mutant (P872A, P873A, P875A, P876A, P877A) were generated by using the QuikChange Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit [Agilent Technologies (Stratagene), Santa Clara, CA]. Vinculin tail probes were subcloned into pColdI vector (Takara Bio, Ohtsu, Japan) for purification, and vinexin aDN, which lacks the Nterminal 156 amino acids of vinexin a, was subcloned into the pColdI-GST vector (kindly provided by Chojiro Kojima) (Hayashi and Kojima, 2008). A plasmid encoding GST-VASP (Maruoka et al, 2012) was a gift from Masahiro Maruoka.…”