During the 2013 Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS) measurements of submicron mass were collected at Look Rock (LRK), Tennessee, and Centreville (CTR), Alabama. Carbon monoxide and submicron sulfate and organic mass concentrations were 15–60% higher at CTR than at LRK, but their time series had moderate correlations (r ~ 0.5). However, NOx had no correlation (r = 0.08) between the two sites with nighttime‐to‐early‐morning peaks 3–10 times higher at CTR than at LRK. Organic mass (OM) sources identified by FTIR Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) had three very similar factors at both sites: fossil fuel combustion‐related organic aerosols, mixed organic aerosols, and biogenic organic aerosols (BOA). The BOA spectrum from FTIR is similar (cosine similarity > 0.6) to that of lab‐generated particle mass from the photochemical oxidation of both isoprene and monoterpenes under high NOx conditions from chamber experiments. The BOA mass fraction was highest during the night at CTR but in the afternoon at LRK. AMS PMF resulted in two similar pairs of factors at both sites and a third nighttime NOx‐related factor (33% of OM) at CTR but a daytime nitrate‐related factor (28% of OM) at LRK. NOx was correlated with BOA and LO‐OOA for NOx concentrations higher than 1 ppb at both sites, producing 0.5 ± 0.1 μg/m3 for CTR‐LO‐OOA and 1.0 ± 0.3 μg/m3 for CTR‐BOA additional biogenic OM for each 1 ppb increase of NOx.