Obesity is highly prevalent among patients with schizophrenia and is associated with detrimental health consequences. Although excessive consumption of fast food and pharmacotherapy with such second-generation antipsychotic agents (SGAs) as clozapine and olanzapine has been implicated in the schizophrenia/obesity comorbidity, the pathophysiology of this link remains unclear. Here, we propose a mechanism based on brain reward function, a relevant etiologic factor in both schizophrenia and overeating. A comprehensive literature search on neurobiology of schizophrenia and of eating behavior was performed. The collected articles were critically reviewed and relevant data were extracted and summarized within four key areas: (1) energy homeostasis, (2) food reward and hedonics, (3) reward function in schizophrenia, and (4) metabolic effects of the SGAs. A mesolimbic hyperdopaminergic state may render motivational/incentive reward system insensitive to low salience/palatability food. This, together with poor cognitive control from hypofunctional prefrontal cortex and enhanced hedonic impact of food, owing to exaggerated opioidergic drive (clinically manifested as pain insensitivity), may underlie unhealthy eating habits in patients with schizophrenia. Treatment with SGAs purportedly improves dopamine-mediated reward aspects, but at the cost of increased appetite and worsened or at least not improved opiodergic capacity. These effects can further deteriorate eating patterns. Pathophysiological and therapeutic implications of these insights need further validation via prospective clinical trials and neuroimaging studies.
INTRODUCTIONObesity has reached pandemic proportions and it is rapidly surpassing smoking as a number one killer in the industrialized world (Sturm, 2002;Skidmore and Yarnell, 2004). Its annual cost to the American society is staggering, and is estimated to be around $117 billion owing to related illnesses and loss of productivity (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, 2005).In schizophrenia, obesity is twice as prevalent as in the general public, afflicting over half this patient population (Allison et al, 1999a;Dixon et al, 2000; American Diabetes Association, 2004;Marder et al, 2004;Wirshing, 2004). Besides negative psychosocial impacts (distorted selfesteem and societal stigmatization) and medications noncompliance, schizophrenics appear to be particularly susceptible to the detrimental medical sequelae of obesity such as the 'Metabolic Syndrome', which is a cluster of cardiovascular risk factors, including abdominal adiposity, insulin resistance, impaired, glucose tolerance, dyslipidemia, and hypertension (McKee et al, 1986;Mukherjee et al, 1996;Brown et al, 2000;Haupt and Newcomer, 2002;Ryan and Thakore, 2002;Ryan et al, 2003;Holt et al, 2004;Kohen, 2004;Marder et al, 2004;Lieberman et al, 2005).Excessive body weight gain (BWG) could be attributed to a constellation of endocrine, molecular, genetic, demographic, and lifestyle-related factors. Provided that a common tra...