Aim: This research aims to uncover the significance of adhering to the disease management guidelines for individuals suffering from heart failure, given its high prevalence and the consequential morbidity and mortality rates, as supported by the existing literature. Method: The article analyzed recent research studies on heart failure and CAD to determine the importance of patient compliance in disease treatment. The results were presented with statistics. Conclusion: Throughout the world, heart diseases are widely recognized as the primary cause of death and disability. These ailments can result in premature death, significant disability, and a substantial increase in healthcare expenses. Upon examining the factors that lead to the readmission of heart failure patients, it was discovered that non-compliance with physical activity, dietary recommendations, and drug therapy played a significant role. Patients' chances of recovery increase as they become more compliant with their treatment. To initiate the adaptation process, educating patients about their illness, considering their beliefs and values, evaluating their perspective on their health and the factors influencing it, and encouraging their involvement in treatment and care are crucial. It is worth noting that heart disease can be prevented with healthy lifestyle choices and nutrition or treated with a combination of medical intervention, nutritional therapy, and lifestyle changes post-diagnosis. Patients’ ability to afford self-care is crucial in maintaining a high quality of life following a diagnosis. Health professionals play a pivotal role in improving self-care behavior, a non-pharmacological approach that supports treatment, enhances the patient's quality of life and reduces the likelihood of repeated hospitalizations and financial strain. By identifying positive and negative beliefs surrounding patient compliance with treatment and focusing on the patient's attitude towards their treatment, health professionals can effectively enhance self-care behavior.