Concentration of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the antioxidant glutathione (GSH) was measured in thalamus and cortex after 13 and 14 days of pyrithiamine-induced thiamine deficiency (PTO) in the rat. The concentration of ROS was significantly elevated in thalamus and cortex on day 14 when righting reflexes were absent and spontaneous seizures occured. No significant changes in GSH concentration were observed in thalamus or cortex on either day of treatment. These findings suggest that increased formation of free radicals occurs during the more acute symptomatic stage of thiamine deficiency and may contribute to the structural damage described in this model of Wernicke's encephalopathy.Keywords: Thiamine; free radicals; oxidative stress; encephalopathy
INTRODUCTIONNumerous theories have been proposed to explain the mechanisms responsible for the ncuroanatomical damage produced by thiamine deficiency (Butterworth, 1993: Langlais. 1995: Witt, 1986). An excess production of free radicals is not one of these theories but this paLhogenetic mechanism is suggested by the following observations. First, pathologic lesions in the pyrithiaminc-induced thiamine deficient (PTO) rat arc associated with increased levels of glutamate and activation of the NMDA receptor (Hazell et al., 1993;Langlais, 1995: Langlais and Mair, 1990: Langlais and Zhang, 1993. Activation of glutamate-NM DA receptors leads to free radical fonnation (Bondy and Lee, 1993) and NMDA agonists are particularly potent in stimulating the rate of generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cerebral tissue (Bondy and Lee, 1993). Activation of the NMDA receptor has also been implicated in postischemic elevation of lipid peroxidation in hippocampus and transient ischemia elevates extracellular fluid (ECF) levels of both excitatory amino acids and rates of hydroxyl radical formation (Delbarre et al., 1991 (Halliwell and Gutteridge, 1985), are frequently observed in vulnerable brain regions of PTD treated rats (Collins, 1967;Zhang et al., 1995) and mice (Watanabe and Kanabe, 1978). Third, increased levels of lactate and reduced pH occur in areas susceptible to necrosis during acute episodes of thiamine deficiency (Hakim, 1984). These phenomena may contribute significantly to oxidative damage since decreased pH may aid in mobilizing 'free iron', a transition metal that is important in catalyzing free radical production. Finally, thiamine deficiency significantly impairs the activity of transketolase prior to the onset of behavioral symptoms and histological changes in brain (Giguere and Butterworth, 1987).Transketolase is a key enzyme of the hexose monophosphate (HMP) shunt responsible for the generation of NADPH. This nucleotide coenzyme is necessary for the maintenance of reduced glutathione (GSH), an important antioxidant and free radical scavenger. Previous studies have demonstrated significant reduction of GSH concentrations in erythrocyte and heart (Hsu and Chow, 1960) and in brainstem (McCandless and Schenker, 1968) of symptomatic thiamine deficient a...