“…Available results in this regard can be found in the work by Goyal [1,2], Monahan [3], Lee and Rosenblatt [4], Banerjee [5], Abad [6], Goyal and Gupta [7], Benjamin [8], Anupindi and Akella [9], Kohli and Park [10], Lau and Lau [11], Weng [12,13,14,15], Li and Huang [16], Corbett and Groote [17], Chen, Federgruen and Zheng [18], Cheung and Lee [19], Abad and Jaggi [20], Abad [21], Shinn and Hwang [22], and Viswanathan and Wang [23], etc. Among these studies, many assumed the market demand is price-sensitive and a decreasing function of the buyer (or retailer)'s selling price, which in turn depends on the supplier's selling price, trade credit offering, quantity or volume discount policies, or other incentive programs to the buyer.…”