Significant noise (random error) is common in an on-line signal when measuring the particle size distribution in a fluidized bed. The application of optimal estimation theory to obtain a filtering algorithm that can rectify such measurements is detailed. Off-line simulation studies demonstrate that the filtering algorithm yields a measure of particle size distribution that is well-behaved, accurate, and able to track in real time as conditions change in the bed.
D. J. Cooper and D. E. Clough Department of Chemical EngineeringUniversity of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309Significant noise (random, unmodeled error) is common in an on-line signal when measuring the particle size distribution in a fluidized bed. The application of optimal estimation theory, which provides a mathematical basis for rectifying such measurements, is detailed. An optimal filtering algorithm is derived that tempers the noisy measurements with predictions from an idealized dynamic model to yield an accurate, well-behaved, real-time measure of particle size distribution. These qualities are desirable in a measure that is being monitored, and are necessary if the measure is to be used in computer control.The theoretical development includes formulation of an idealized model that describes the mixing dynamics (including elutriation and attrition) in a fluidized bed, and the derivation of a filtering algorithm that combines predictions from this model with noisy measurements to yield the optimal estimates. Several off-line simulation studies are presented to illustrate the performance and capabilities of the filtering algorithm.A general theoretical development is presented in this work. Although substantial detail has been included, the work is not intended to stand alone for those interested in implementation of this theory. Rather, for those versed in optimal estimation theory it is intended to provide a solid platform upon which they can build given the specifics of their application. For those unfamiliar with the theory it is intended to illustrate the capabilities of optimal estimation, and to introduce the methodology of application.The general theoretical development enables others to adapt or extend the method. One example of a straightforward adaptation is to obtain an accurate, well-behaved measure of the elutriate stream particle size distribution. An extension of interest includes using a different idealized dynamic model that is specific to a particular application.
CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCEAn optimal filtering algorithm is effective in producing accurate, well-behaved, real-time estimates of particle size distribution from measurements that are corrupted with random, unmodeled error (noise). Optimal estimation theory provides the mathematical basis for computing these estimates by combining the measurement data with predictions from an idealized dynamic model. Such estimates of particle size distribution are highly desirable if this parameter is being monitored during fluidized bed operation, and are necessary if it is being used in...