DOI: 10.1029/jb084ib13p07577
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On the thermal evolution of passive continental margins, thermal depth anomalies, and the Norwegian‐Greenland Sea

Abstract: A computer model of sea floor spreading is presented. This time‐dependent thermal model, which includes the presence of an adjacent continent, simulates not only the evolution of an oceanic region but also the thermal evolution of an Atlantic‐type continental margin. Incorporation of the adjacent continent into a sea floor spreading model allows one to utilize geological and geophysical data from the continent and continental margin as constraints. In terms of the model parameters a more complete picture of th… Show more

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Cited by 18 publications
(14 citation statements)
References 34 publications
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“…Because of very long distances to well calibration data, and because the structural evolution of this area differs considerably from that of the better-explored Haltenbanken and North Sea, the temperature-depth relationships in the Vøring Basin have been uncertain. Previous heat-flow data from the area include gravity spear data reported by Haenel (1974), Langseth & Zielinski (1974), Zielinski (1977Zielinski ( , 1979, Sundvor et al (1989), and a single heat-flow value reported from ODP hole 644 (Eldholm et al 1987, p. 650). Most of these have been discussed more recently by Vogt & Sundvor (1996) and Sundvor et al (2000).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 94%
“…Because of very long distances to well calibration data, and because the structural evolution of this area differs considerably from that of the better-explored Haltenbanken and North Sea, the temperature-depth relationships in the Vøring Basin have been uncertain. Previous heat-flow data from the area include gravity spear data reported by Haenel (1974), Langseth & Zielinski (1974), Zielinski (1977Zielinski ( , 1979, Sundvor et al (1989), and a single heat-flow value reported from ODP hole 644 (Eldholm et al 1987, p. 650). Most of these have been discussed more recently by Vogt & Sundvor (1996) and Sundvor et al (2000).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 94%
“…This leaves the mechanism for the steep elevation gradient at the outer flank of the plateau. A thermal origin is ruled out because Zielinski (1979) demonstrated that the heat flow distribution is consistent with an oceanic model with a continent/ocean boundary in the vicinity of the Wring Plateau Escarpment. We ascribe the gradient instead to isostatic compensation of the excess load of intrusives and ex-trusives emplaced during the early opening.…”
Section: Post-rift Evolution Subsidencementioning
confidence: 99%
“…15). We also have to account for the depth of the Mohns Ridge, which is 0.5-1.0 km shallower than the average world ocean (Cochran and Talwani, 1978;Zielinski, 1979), although the oceanic crust in the Lofoten Basin has subsided more rapidly than normal (Vestby, 1980).…”
Section: Post-rift Evolution Subsidencementioning
confidence: 99%
“…Cochran and Talwani [1978] propose an asthenospheric thermal anomaly of 50-80øC, while Zielinski [ 1979] argues that a temperature anomaly to a depth of 400 km may be needed to reproduce the observed bathymetry and gravity in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. The thermal modeling applied to the gravity models assumes the asthenosphere to be homogeneous along the length of the modeled transects.…”
Section: The Thermal Modelmentioning
confidence: 99%