DOI: 10.1520/jfs11255j
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On the Mechanism of Gunshot Residue Particle Formation

Abstract: The results of the present study are consistent with the hypothesis that gunshot residue is formed by the condensation of vaporized bullet and primer materials that segregate into metallic and compound particles. Some of the metallic vapors are oxidized and “scavenged” by oxygen and sulfur-rich primer compounds, among which the sulfur compounds appear to be more effective. The “bullet” particles of the residue thus originate in the bullet material, and the “primer” particles are a mixture of primer-derived and… Show more

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Cited by 78 publications
(37 citation statements)
References 5 publications
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“…Gunshot residues derive from the propellant and the primer, the bullet, and the firearm itself. When a firearm is used, these residues can be detected close to the firearm (such as the shooter's hand or the gunshot entrance wound when the shot is fired at short distance) or within the tissues if the projectile has perforated them [1][2][3][4]. Over the years, several studies have been performed on the detection of GSR on many types of materials and by various methods, in order to give an unambiguous definition of "gunshot residues" and to evaluate which procedures are the most reliable for their recognition and analysis [5,6].…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Gunshot residues derive from the propellant and the primer, the bullet, and the firearm itself. When a firearm is used, these residues can be detected close to the firearm (such as the shooter's hand or the gunshot entrance wound when the shot is fired at short distance) or within the tissues if the projectile has perforated them [1][2][3][4]. Over the years, several studies have been performed on the detection of GSR on many types of materials and by various methods, in order to give an unambiguous definition of "gunshot residues" and to evaluate which procedures are the most reliable for their recognition and analysis [5,6].…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…These particles are condensation products of the high temperature, high pressure reactions that occur when a firearm is fired and are known to be deposited at the crime scene and on the shooter [1]. The particles are made up of material from the primer, bullet, bullet jacket, cartridge casing and the gun barrel, are spherical, and are of the order of a few microns in diameter.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Introduction In order to demonstrate that a suspect in a criminal investigation has fired a weapon, police authorities routinely take swabs from the clothing, skin and hair of the suspect and use electron microscopy to search for gunshot residue (GSR) particles on the swabs. These particles are condensation products of the high temperature, high pressure reactions that occur when a firearm is fired and are known to be deposited at the crime scene and on the shooter [1]. The particles are made up of material from the primer, bullet, bullet jacket, cartridge casing and the gun barrel, are spherical, and are of the order of a few microns in diameter.…”
confidence: 99%
“…Horrek sutu egiten du bolbora eta, ondorioz, sortzen diren gasen bolumen handia dela eta, presioa areagotu eta bala armaren kanoitik kanporatzen da. Bolboran eta hasarazlean aurkitzen diren substantziak muturreko tenperatura eta presioen baldintzapean aurkitzen dira, eta jarraian bat-bateko hoztea jasaten dutenez, solidotu egiten dira eta tiroaztarnak osatzen dituzten partikulak sortzen dituzte (1go irudia) [4,5].…”
Section: Sarreraunclassified