“…Ring cracks are characterized by their average radius which is measured from the central impact point. Both conical and ring cracks are ubiquitous features of brittle impact damage and have been observed in impact experiments on a variety of different brittle materials including glasses (Knight et al, 1977;Ball and McKenzie, 1994), nominally brittle polymers (Hsieh et al, 2004), and ceramics (Bowden and Field, 1964;Evans and Wilshaw, 1977;Evans et al, 1978;Maekawa et al, 1991;Sherman and Brandon, 1997;Sherman, 1997Sherman, , 2000Sherman and Ben-Shushan, 1998;Normandia, 2004;Iyer, 2007;Brennan et al, 2010;Deshpande et al, 2011).…”