We investigate the secrecy performance of a multiuser diversity scheme for an interference-limited wireless network with a base-station (BS), N legitimate users and an eavesdropper, in the presence of a single dominant interferer. Assuming interference dominates noise power at the eavesdropper and at each legitimate user's receiver, the BS transmits information to the legitimate user with the k-th best (highest) signal-tointerference ratio. We derive a closed-form expression for the secrecy outage probability for an arbitrary N and an asymptotic expression for a fixed k and large N . Furthermore, we derive a closed form asymptotic expression for the ergodic secrecy capacity of the k-th best user and show that it scales like O (log(N )) for a fixed k and large N .1 The single dominant interferer assumption has been widely considered in the literature, see [12], [13] and references therein. The interfering BS here can be viewed as a co-channel interferer serving another cell (network) that causes an interference to the cell of interest.