Knaust, R, and Senger, H, 1994, Monovinyl and divinyl protochlorophyil in different stages of esterification isolated from the mutant C-2X of the unicellular green alga Seenedesmus ohiii/ttus. -Physiol, Plant, 90: 490-496,The mutant C-2.A' of the unicellular green alga Scenedesmus obtiqutis accumulates the chlorophyll-precursors protochlorophyllide and the already esterified protochlorophyll when grown heterotrophically in the dark. Two derivatives of protochlorophyll, monovinyl protochlorophyll (MV-PChl) and divinyl protochlorophyll (DV-PChS), were isolated from dark-grown cells of mutant C-2A' and characterized by absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy. Their tnolecular masses were determined by plasma desorption mass spectrometry. Both MV-and DV-PChl were mainly esterified vvith geranylgeraniol. iiowever, some esterification with the tnore saturated alcohoEs dihydrogeranylgeraniol, tetrahydrogeranylaeraniol and phytol could aiso be detected.