DOI: 10.3390/ijms16023895
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Nutritionally Enhanced Food Crops; Progress and Perspectives

Abstract: Great progress has been made over the past decade with respect to the application of biotechnology to generate nutritionally improved food crops. Biofortified staple crops such as rice, maize and wheat harboring essential micronutrients to benefit the world’s poor are under development as well as new varieties of crops which have the ability to combat chronic disease. This review discusses the improvement of the nutritional status of crops to make a positive impact on global human health. Several examples of n… Show more

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Cited by 168 publications
(103 citation statements)
References 133 publications
(144 reference statements)
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“…Although sorghum is gluten-free and could be an attractive replacement for wheat-allergy sufferers, it is considered a nutrient-poor crop (8, 9) with very low amounts of β-carotene (10). The improvement of micronutrients in food crops has attracted considerable attention, and significant advances have been made in a range of major crops (11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22). Nutritional improvement in sorghum was undertaken a decade ago (23, 24); however, progress has lagged behind the progress in other crops.…”
confidence: 99%
“…Although sorghum is gluten-free and could be an attractive replacement for wheat-allergy sufferers, it is considered a nutrient-poor crop (8, 9) with very low amounts of β-carotene (10). The improvement of micronutrients in food crops has attracted considerable attention, and significant advances have been made in a range of major crops (11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22). Nutritional improvement in sorghum was undertaken a decade ago (23, 24); however, progress has lagged behind the progress in other crops.…”
confidence: 99%
“…Besides chlorotic and necrotic toxins, phyto hormones have been suggested to play important roles in the pathogenesis process (Pandey et al, 2001). The chlorotic toxin that has been identified as a cyclo depsipeptide affects many components of MAP kinase machinery, hypersensetive response, and systemic acquired response (Mishra et al 2011;2015). Despite the above studies, the potential target gene/protein that could act as key regulatory switch has not been identified.…”
Section: Stress Tolerancementioning
confidence: 99%
“…In addition, they play essential roles in development of functional food (Nutraceuticals) for nutrition, health, and well-being by the application of systems biology. Recently published studies demonstrated that much work is required for development of new varieties with enhanced nutritional qualities by using interdisciplinary approaches (Hefferon, 2015), to achieve the goal for providing the crops with additional health benefits on a global scale.…”
Section: Biofortification and Nutraceutical Developmentmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…O primeiro passo estava dado, pois mesmo tendo sucesso na biofortificação, a concentração do carotenoide ainda era abaixo do necessário (levando em consideração a porção diária) para que remediasse as patologias causadas pela falta de vitamina A. Foi então que Paine et al (2005) chegaram ao Golden Rice 2 (GR2) com o uso da fitoeno sintase do milho, mais eficiente e gargalo para a excelência do sistema de seu predecessor, que resultou na concentração de até 37 μg de carotenoides (preferencialmente β-caroteno) por grama, ou seja, uma concentração 23 vezes maior que o Golden Rice. Já foi comprovada a eficácia do GR2 no combate às doenças causadas pela escassez de vitamina A, sendo considerada a primeira cultura especificamente desenvolvida para remediar a malnutrição, atingindo remotas populações rurais que não têm acesso a programas de suplementação (HEFFERON, 2015).…”
Section: Engenharia Metabólica E Nutracêuticaunclassified
“…Nesse mesmo trabalho, os pesquisadores avaliaram o efeito desse alimento em ratos propensos a desenvolver câncer e relataram um aumento de 30% na expectativa de vida. Atualmente esses tomates passam pelo processo de aprovação nos EUA, fazem parte de uma pesquisa com cardíacos no Reino Unido e espera-se que tenham uma linha de molhos (HEFFERON, 2015). O tomateiro é capaz de produzir antocianinas nos seus tecidos vegetativos, o que não ocorre naturalmente nos frutos, que acumulam certos tipos de flavonoides e flavonóis, intermediários na síntese de antocianinas (GONZALI et al, 2009).…”
Section: Engenharia Metabólica E Nutracêuticaunclassified