“…Most examples of inherited metabolic disease in laboratory animals have turned up by chance (Bulfield, 1977(Bulfield, , 1980Hommes, 1979). There have been a few attempts to screen for animal models using: inbred strains (reviews: Morse, 1978;Festing, 1979;Altman and Katz, 1979); phenotypically unusual mutants (Kacser et al, 1973;De Mars et al, 1976;Eicher et al, 1976;Hutton and Bernstein, 1973); spontaneous (Pivetta and Green, 1973) or induced mutations (Feinstein et al, 1964(Feinstein et al, , 1966Gluecksohn-Waelsch et al, 1974;Poppet al, 1979); and wild-caught animals (Padua et al, 1978;Bulfield and Moore, 1978;Berry, 1980).…”