“…Wind significantly modifies the Bering Strait inflow at time scales from synoptic to interannual, sometimes blocking it completely or even reversing it [see Proshutinsky , 1986; Aagaard et al , 1985; Roach et al , 1995; Woodgate et al , 2005a, and discussion therein]. This basic understanding of the CS circulation dynamics has been improved since earlier studies of the 1950s and 1970s [ Shtokman , 1957; Gudkovich , 1961, 1962; Coachman et al , 1975] by both observational [ Weingartner et al , 2005; Aagaard et al , 1985; Woodgate et al , 2005a] and modeling studies [ Proshutinsky , 1986; Overland and Roach , 1987; Spaulding et al , 1987; Nihoul et al , 1993; Proshutinsky et al , 1995; Winsor and Chapman , 2004; Spall , 2007]. There are also other physical factors that influence the CS circulation.…”