Abstract. The characteristic functions of the statisticalWigner's R-matrix for the case of one-channel scattering in competition with multichannel radiative capture have been drown. Different approximations and their relevance in neutron physics applications are discussed.
PACS: 25.40.NyThe R-matrix theory of nuclear resonance reactions is a widely used mathematical method for treating the problem of neutron cross section parametrization. This method makes possible the description of resonance cross sections in relatively large energy interval using R-matrix:where E.e and 7;.c are real and energy independent parameters associated with the set of the resonances considered and the summation is performed over it [1][2][3][4].The rank of the R-matrix is equal to the number of reaction channels, excluding the radiation channels, which are accounted for by the imaginary term F./in the denominator. The non-resonant part of the R-matrix is usually included in the phase of the potential scattering and is omitted here [1][2][3].The reaction cross section is defined by the scattering matrix of the same rank [1,2]:where ~oc are the phases of the potential scattering and p is the diagonal matrix of the penetrability factors. The total cross section o-, the reaction cross section o-c and the radiative capture cross section o-.y for a given system of resonances with a fixed total angular momentum J and parity 7r are defined aswhere g(J) is a spin statistical factor [1][2][3][4]. It is possible to determine a complete set of resonance parameters in the R-matrix (Eq. (1)) in the resolved resonance region and this is the aim of the multilevel analysis of the resonance cross sections. But for the higher energies the experimental resolution is not sufficient for the identification of individual resonance levels and here the cross section analysis permits the determination of only average over many levels parameters strength functions
?2,/D,7~/D (D is the average level spacing for a given system J~).At the same time, besides the data on average cross sections and @c), a lot of experimental information on average transmission -