“…HPLC-DAD-SPE-NMR, LC-MS-ELSD), 68 and exhaustive detailed descriptions have been reported. 4,6,[69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80][81][82][83] The introduction of X-hitting algorithm, 84 capillary scale NMR probes, 85 MALDI-TOF imaging, [86][87][88] advanced public and commercial database availability (e.g. Dictionary NPs, Antibase, MarinLit, AntiMarin, Pubchem, ZINC, NAPROC-13, NMRShiDB, GNPS), 12,89-95 de novo sequencing techniques, 96 in silico dereplication, 24 computer assisted numerical analysis, 97,98 bioinformatics, 24,29 genomics, 99 proteomics, 80 metabolomics have all been reported.…”