Lantana camara L. is an invasive alien shrub of worldwide significance due to its impacts on biodiversity. It can alter the soil properties of invaded ecosystems and, as a result, affect management outcomes. However, knowledge on the impacts of L. camara on soil properties is scanty, especially in South Africa, despite the pervasive presence of the plant in the country. In this comparative study, the soils underneath L. camara were assessed in order to determine if they had different properties (soil physico‐chemical properties, penetration resistance, infiltration, hydraulic conductivity and water repellency) in comparison to the soils in adjacent natural sites in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Soil samples were collected from the top soil beneath the canopy of both L. camara‐invaded and adjacent natural sites in five different locations over three summer months. The soils that were collected from underneath L. camara had a significantly higher total C, total P, gravimetric soil moisture (in November and December) and were repellent, compared to the soils in the adjacent natural sites. Soil penetration resistance was significantly higher in the natural sites than in the L. camara‐invaded sites. The soil hydraulic conductivity, soil infiltration rate, soil pH, exchangeable cations and total N showed no significant difference between the invaded and the natural sites. It appears that the soils underneath L. camara have a high total C and total P, soil moisture and are repellent, thus influencing nutrient cycling, potentially making the soil properties underneath it ideal for its own growth. This could contribute to the success of L. camara as an invasive species.