“…As mentioned above, Peoria Loess in the Great Plains has no clear link to outwash of the Laurentide ice sheet, except possibly in that part of Nebraska adjacent to the Missouri River. Previous workers proposed a variety of sources for loess in the Great Plains, including Platte River alluvium (including glacial outwash from the Rocky Mountains); glacial outwash from the Missouri River; sediments from the Tertiary Ogallala, Arikaree, and White River Groups; and sediment from the Nebraska Sand Hills or other dune fi elds (Lugn, 1939(Lugn, , 1968Bryan, 1945;Condra et al, 1947;Swineford and Frye, 1951;Reed, 1968;Wright, 1970;Flint, 1971;Smalley, 1995;Winspear and Pye, 1995;Aleinikoff et al, 1999;Muhs et al, 1999).…”