“…Recently, AFPs have been studied as a green and environmentally friendly kinetic hydrate inhibitor (Walker et al, 2015). Promising results has been obtained in THF Zeng et al, 2003Zeng et al, , 2006, methane (Al-Adel et al, 2008;Jensen et al, 2010Jensen et al, , 2011Perfeldt et al, 2014) and multi-component gas systems (Daraboina et al, 2011a(Daraboina et al, , 2011b(Daraboina et al, , 2011cOhno et al, 2010;Sharifi et al, 2014aSharifi et al, , 2014c showing that AFPs may have potential as gas hydrate inhibitors. Although, AFPs offer potential as KHIs the large-scale manufacturing costs have been a challenge for the transition from research to industrial application (Kelland, 2006).…”