“…The signals at 61/62 ppm represent the carbon nucleus in position 6, followed by the intense coalescence around 73 ppm formed by the overlapping resonances of carbon 2, 3, and 5, in pyranoside structures, while the most de-shielded peak at 105/6 ppm derives from the di-O-alkyl anomeric carbon in linked glucose units [ 13 , 25 ]. The lower intensity or lack of C resonances at 82 ppm associated to C4 of hexose structures tied through β 1→4 bond ( Figure 1 ), suggest the prevalence of pentose units of hemicellulose as well as the incorporation of oligosaccharides and simple carbohydrates [ 13 , 24 , 25 , 26 ]. Moreover, the high field shift of anomeric C 1 towards 101 ppm in CT samples ( Figure 1 ), further support the preferential solubilization of dissolved low molecular weight sugars not involved in the glycosidic bonds [ 25 ].…”