“…This finding suggests that if 5-HT 3 -expressing fibers preferentially convey sour-related information, then these subregions of the nTS should preferentially show responses to sour. and sucrose stimulates neurons more diffusely in the nucleus (Chan et al, 2004;Harrer & Travers, 1996;King, Travers, Rowland, Garcea, & Spector, 1999;Stratford & Thompson, 2016;Travers, 2002;Travers, Herman, Yoo, & Travers, 2007;Travers, Urbanek, & Grill, 1999;. Consistent with our previous findings (Stratford et al, 2017), The presence of acid-induced c-fos activity in the lateral nTS coupled with an abundance of 5-HT 3 -driven GFP is noteworthy in that this portion of the nTS receives little gustatory input as delineated by P2X2 labeling (Bartel, 2012;Ganchrow et al, 2014).…”