“…The only case that does not follow immediately from the discussion above is when * = 2nl and a ≤ (l − 1)R. In this case we have G B(R) with lR < a ′ < (l + 1)R, but the exact sequences for a < a ′′ < ∞ and a ′′ < a ′ < ∞ with (l − 1)R < a ′′ < lR do not allow us to conclude, since both G (a ′′ ,a ′ ] Z k , * B(R) and G (a,a ′′ ] Z k , * −1 B(R) do not vanish. To get the result we will follow the approach of Morse homology for generating functions, as introduced by Milinković [Mil99,Mil97]. In order to turn the generating function of ρ κ into a (Z k -invariant) Morse function we will perturb it by a Z k -invariant Morse function f on S 2n−1 with k critical points { a 0 0,j , • • • , a 0 k−1,j } of index 2j and k critical points { a 1 0,j , • • • , a 1 k−1,j } of index 2j + 1 for each j = 0, • • • , n − 1 (see [Miln,p26]).…”