While PrPC rearranges in the area of codons 104 -113 to form PrP Sc during prion infections, the events that initiate sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease are undefined. As Cu(II) is a putative ligand for PrP C and has been implicated in the pathogenesis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and other neurodegenerative diseases, we investigated the structural effects of binding. Incubation of brain microsomes with Cu(II) generated ϳ30-kDa proteinase K-resistant PrP. Cu(II) had little effect on fresh recombinant PrP23-231, but aged protein characterized by conversion of Asn-107 to Asp decreased ␣-helical content by ϳ30%, increased -sheet content 100%, formed aggregates, and acquired proteinase K resistance in the presence of Cu(II). These transitions took place without need for acid pH, organic solvents, denaturants, or reducing agents. Since conversion of Asn to Asp proceeds by a spontaneous pathway involving deamidation, our data suggest that covalent variants of PrP C arising in this manner may, in concert with Cu(II), generate PrP Sc -like species capable of initiating sporadic prion disease.