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ABSTRACTThis research resulted in the development of the Discrete Element Method (DEM) as a general, robust, and scalable computer technique for unified modeling of the mechanical behavior of solid and particulate materials, including the transition from solid phase to particulate phase. Applications include gross damage of structures due to extreme load events, and high speed penetration of structures, involving materials such as concrete, rock, and novel combinations of these.This computer approach is useful for assessing vulnerability of military and civilian facilities such as nuclear power reactors, transportation facilities, buildings, and so on, and for assessing efficacy of military operations involving such structures.One of the primary accomplishments of this research is the development of interelement potentials for the DEM method such that accurate and convergent results are obtained. This research resulted in the development of the Discrete Element Method (DEM) as a general, robust, and scalable computer technique for unified modeling of the mechanical behavior of solid and particulate materials, including the transition from solid phase to particulate phase. Applications include gross damage of structures due to extreme load events, and high speed penetration of structures, involving materials such as concrete, rock, and novel combinations of these. This computer approach is useful for assessing vulnerability of military and civilian facilities such as nuclear power reactors, transportation facilities, buildings, and so on, and for assessing efficacy of military operations involving such structures. One of the primary accomplishments of this research is the development of interelement potentials for the DEM method such that accurate and convergent results are obtained.