We report on high magnetic field studies of magnetization, electric polarization, and specific heat on single crystals of Ni 3 V 2 O 8 , which is an S = 1 kagome compound. The magnetization process exhibits multistep magnetic transitions when the magnetic field is parallel to the magnetic easy axis. An apparent magnetization plateau was observed at half the height of the saturation magnetization M s ∼ 2.39μ B /Ni. In addition, the magnetization transitions at higher fields are quantized at 2/3, 3/4, and 8/9 of M s . These results are unusual for the one-third magnetization plateaus that theories have predicted for conventional kagome antiferromagnets. We find that the high magnetic field suppresses the spontaneous polarization, leading to a different high-field phase where the magnetic structure is collinear or coplanar with the underlying lattice. The resulting high-field phase diagram explores several magnetic phases and sheds light on recent experimental findings. Analytical arguments have been presented to discuss these high-field phases.In magnetic materials, geometrical frustration generates a variety of nontrivial ordered states with peculiar spin correlations. Typical frustrated systems are the two-dimensional (2D) triangular and kagome (corner-sharing triangles) antiferromagnets. Many interesting aspects have been extensively studied in the past decade, such as the spin-liquid-like ground state, 1,2 magnetically driven ferroelectric state, 3 supersolid state, 4 and magnetization plateaus. 5 The problem of magnetization plateaus is more general because it also exists in one-dimensional (1D) and threedimensional (3D) spin systems. The magnetization plateau is due to a field-driven ordered ground state where the magnetization shows field independence in a finite field range. This plateau and the saturation magnetization M s are associated with a fractional value m = M/M s , which satisfies the necessary condition n(S − m) = integer, 5 where S is the spin and n is the magnetic periodicity. Note that not all the values that satisfy the condition will appear as a magnetization plateau. A well-known example is the appearance of a half-(m = 1/2) magnetization plateau in 1D quantum spin systems with n = 2. This plateau has been studied theoretically and experimentally in bond-alternating chains, 6 ladders, 7 and other spin chains. 8 The 1/2 plateau has also been realized in 3D classical spin systems, for example, Cr-based pyrochlore lattices where n = 4, with an "up-up-up-down" (uuud) spin arrangement. 9 For triangular and kagome lattices in which n is considered to be 3, the 1/2 plateau is not expected due to the arguments given above. Instead, one-third (m = 1/3) plateaus appeared in triangular antiferromagnets. [10][11][12] In the classical spin system, this 1/3-plateau phase has a collinear "up-up-down" (uud) spin arrangement for each triangle, while this state of the quantum case has a related uud spin configuration with the quantum fluctuation. This has been studied, for instance, in the materials CuFeO 2 ,...