Integration of omics
data and deciphering the mechanism of a biological
regulatory network could be a promising approach to reveal the molecular
mechanism involved in the progression of complex diseases, including
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Despite having an overlapping
mechanism in the etiology of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Parkinson’s
disease (PD), the exact mechanism and signaling molecules behind them
are still unknown. Further, the acetylation mechanism and histone
deacetylase (HDAC) enzymes provide a positive direction toward studying
the shared phenomenon between AD and PD pathogenesis. For instance,
increased expression of HDACs causes a decrease in protein acetylation
status, resulting in decreased cognitive and memory function. Herein,
we employed an integrative approach to analyze the transcriptomics
data that established a potential relationship between AD and PD.
Data preprocessing and analysis of four publicly available microarray
datasets revealed 10 HUB proteins, namely, CDC42, CD44, FGFR1, MYO5A,
NUMA1, TUBB4B, ARHGEF9, USP5, INPP5D, and NUP93, that may be involved
in the shared mechanism of AD and PD pathogenesis. Further, we identified
the relationship between the HUB proteins and transcription factors
that could be involved in the overlapping mechanism of AD and PD.
CREB1 and HINFP were the crucial regulatory transcription factors
that were involved in the AD and PD crosstalk. Further, lysine acetylation
sites and HDAC enzyme prediction revealed the involvement of 15 and
27 potential lysine residues of CREB1 and HINFP, respectively. Our
results highlighted the importance of HDAC1(K292) and HDAC6(K330)
association with CREB1 and HINFP, respectively, in the AD and PD crosstalk.
However, different datasets with a large number of samples and wet
lab experimentation are required to validate and pinpoint the exact
role of CREB1 and HINFP in the AD and PD crosstalk. It is also possible
that the different datasets may or may not affect the results due
to analysis parameters. In conclusion, our study potentially highlighted
the crucial proteins, transcription factors, biological pathways,
lysine residues, and HDAC enzymes shared between AD and PD at the
molecular level. The findings can be used to study molecular studies
to identify the possible relationship in the AD–PD crosstalk.