“…Mucosal α-glucosidase, different from α-amylase, exists since birth,306 and young infants have similar amounts of mucosal α-glucosidase as adults (P. C. Lee, Werlin, Trost, & Struve, 2004). It has been shown in mice that maltase activity is 308 secreted before brush border enzyme development is completed; this enables sucking 309 pups to digest starch well(Nichols, et al, 2012a). In pigs, the activity of MGAM seems to 310 increase along with postnatal growth(Lackeyram, Nichols, & Fan, 2007).The longitudinal distribution of total maltase activity (contributed from all four domains)312 in the small intestine is even, but glucoamylase activity (mainly from CtMGAM) rises steadily and reaches its highest near the ileocecal valve(Triadou, Bataille, & Schmitz, 314 1983).…”