The study aimed to verify the quality of the structure model of paths relations between the Metacognitive beliefs, Corona phobia and boredom among a sample consisting of (139) Lady, With an average age (37.56) years, standard deviation (10.24) years. The researcher used the Metacognitive beliefs scale, Corona phobia scale and boredom scale, and verified of psychometric Characteristics on exploratory sample, and used Pearson correlation coefficient, multiple regression analysis and path analysis to verify the hypotheses of the study .The results showed that statistical relationship between a positive function of metacognitive beliefs and Corona phobia and boredom of the sample, With the exception of the relationship between cognitive confidence and Corona phobia, As well as the beliefs of cognitive Self-consciousness and boredom, Some metacognitive beliefs predicted (positive beliefs about worry, negative beliefs about uncontrollability to thoughts and danger, cognitive confidence) with all of Corona phobia and boredom for women. These beliefs interpreted 42.6% of boredom, and 21% of the Corona phobia, the results indicated a direct and indirect effects between the metacognitive beliefs and Corona phobia and boredom through the structural model of the paths of relations.