“…Pepper crops can be grown in fields and in greenhouses; however, their average yields are severely impacted by the presence of pests and diseases (Dikilitas, Guldur, Deryaoglu, & Ozcan, ). Besides well‐known fungal and virus pathogens, recently, phytoplasma has become increasingly important as a serious threat in many different crops around the world (Junqueira, Bedendo, & Pascholati, ; Margaria et al., ), and the pepper crop is not the exception. Phytoplasma associated with C. annuum diseases have been reported worldwide, including bell pepper leaf size reduction (16SrIII) in Bolivia, bell and chilli pepper big bud in Iran and the United States, respectively (16SrII and 16SrVI) and pepper witches’ broom (16SrI) in China and México (Arocha et al., ; Faghihi, Taghavi, Safaei, Siampour, & Najafabadi, ; Randall, Bosland, & Hanson, ; Santos‐Cervantes, Chávez‐Medina, Mendez‐Lozano, & Leyva‐Lopez, ; Zheng‐Nan, Zhang, Song, & Wu, ).…”