“…[[qv: 7b,21]] The two small peaks at 283.6 and 286.5 eV are assigned to the P—C and C—S bonds, respectively, suggesting that P and S atoms are implanted into the carbon lattice. [[qv: 15g,22]] In the high resolution of the N1s spectrum (Figure 2g), the three peaks centered at 398.8, 400, and 401 eV belong to the pyridinic‐N, pyrrolic‐N, and graphitic‐N, respectively 23. As described in Figure 2h, the high resolution of the P 2p spectrum presents four peaks located at 131.4, 132.7, 134.2, and 135.5 eV, which are related to the P—C, P—O—C, P—O, and P=N bond, respectively.…”