“…Density measurements of liquid iron alloys by static experiments have been performed at relatively low pressures (<100 GPa) compared to the Earth's outer core conditions [e.g., Sanloup et al ., , ; Morard et al ., ]. Higher‐pressure behaviors of liquid iron were, on the other hand, investigated by shock wave experiments in the multi‐Mbar regime along the principal Hugoniot [e.g., Brown and McQueen , ; Huang et al ., , , ]. The Hugoniot temperature dramatically increases with increasing pressure and reaches more than 8000 K at the ICB pressure (329 GPa), which is significantly higher than the typically estimated ICB temperature ( T ICB ) of less than 6000 K [e.g., Ma et al ., ; Nguyen and Holmes , ; Alfè , ; Huang et al ., ; Terasaki et al ., ; Kamada et al ., ; Anzellini et al ., ].…”