DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-64934-0
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Medieval Ethiopian Kingship, Craft, and Diplomacy with Latin Europe

Abstract: translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevan… Show more

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Cited by 14 publications
(5 citation statements)
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“…Similar sentiments are echoed later in this paper by Krebs (2021) about Ethiopia. Let's recall that few Eastern and African Religious Embassy came in Europe at a time when the unification of churches was questioned, notably in Basel, Constance and Ferrare 1 councils.…”
Section: Savoy Orient and Africa At The End Of Middle Agesupporting
confidence: 83%
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“…Similar sentiments are echoed later in this paper by Krebs (2021) about Ethiopia. Let's recall that few Eastern and African Religious Embassy came in Europe at a time when the unification of churches was questioned, notably in Basel, Constance and Ferrare 1 councils.…”
Section: Savoy Orient and Africa At The End Of Middle Agesupporting
confidence: 83%
“…In their studies, Weber (2019) and Krebs (2021) focused on the end of the Middle age and the links between Europe, the Orient and Africa through the Crusades, an exercise in which almost all great European families were involved. Savoy County Princes did not travel directly to Africa despite their announced interest in Crusade.…”
Section: Savoy Orient and Africa At The End Of Middle Agementioning
confidence: 99%
“…Given the widespread concept of affinity between concentric structures and the Temple described above, the answer seems clear. The Solomonic Kingdom maintained diplomatic correspondence and commercial ties with both Christian Europe and the Islamic World (Kelly 2020;Krebs 2021;Wion 2020), as well as a monastic presence in Jerusalem. Pilgrimage from Ethiopia to the Holy Land is a well-known phenomenon in the Middle Ages and Early Modern times (Cerulli 1943;Pedersen 2007).…”
Section: The Concentric Circular Plan As An Expression Of Affinity Wi...mentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Medieval studies, broadly understood, stands at the center of the possibility of having a different imaginary of the Middle Ages and with it a different politics of the medieval. The work being done by a variety of different scholars and traditions to counter the image of a white Middle Ages (Krebs 2021;Heng 2018), to highlight the myriad connections that were integral to medieval politics (Holmes and Standen 2018;Moore 2016), and ultimately to challenge the association between 'medieval' and a specific geography of Western Europe is crucial in order to challenge the exclusionary politics of these contemporary far-right medievalisms. This means first of all that the ability to conduct this research is something we as a society should cherish and encourage because being surprised and challenged in our social preconceptions is fundamental in order to disrupt the power structures that https://escholarship.org/uc/ncs_pedagogyandprofession/| 2766-1768.…”
Section: Contemporary (Violent) Medievalismsmentioning
confidence: 99%