“…So, given the difficulty of transmitting a range of aromas digitally, in the foreseeable future, the best solution may be to augment the taste of real food with cutlery or glassware that is capable of stimulating the taste buds directly (e.g., Bolton, 2015;Nakamura & Miyashita, 2011, 2013aOhla, Toepel, le Coutre, & Hudry, 2012;Sakurai, Aoyama, Miyamoto, Mizukami, Furukawa, Maeda, & Ando, 2016a;Sakurai, Aoyama, Mizukami, Maeda, & Ando, 2016b). That way, the real aromas, and flavours, of foods can be enhanced by digital (i.e., electrical) tastes.…”