Supersonic jet/multiphoton ionization-mass spectrometry (SSJ/MPI-MS) is used in spectrometric analysis primarily because of its high selectivity. This approach provides wellresolved spectral features in the multiphoton ionization spectrum, and interference from other molecules, such as related analogues, can be minimized.In addition, information concerning molecular weight and chemical structure can be readily obtained from the mass spectrum. 1-3 Due to its high spectrometric selectivity, it can be used for trace analysis, on line. Several applications of this method to the on-line real-time monitoring of chlorobenzene derivatives, which are known surrogates of dioxins with strong toxicities, have been reported. [4][5][6][7][8] No on-line monitoring of dioxins, however, has been achieved since numerous toxic and non-toxic isomers and congeners are present at low concentrations in flue gas. Therefore, high sensitivity as well as high selectivity is desirable for the analysis of these compounds. In order to solve this problem, the use of a laser with a pulse duration nearly identical to the lifetime of the singlet-excited-state of the analyte in multiphoton ionization has been proposed. 9,10 In particular, a tunable nearly-transform-limited picosecond laser would be desirable for the efficient multiphoton ionization of dioxins, the excited-state lifetimes of which are considered to be much shorter than 1 ns. A distributed-feedback (DFB) dye laser, 11-13 which is tunable over a wide spectral region and capable of generating a picosecond pulse with a narrow spectral bandwidth, has the potential for application to SSJ/MPI-MS. 14, 15 We recently developed a DFB dye laser with a pulse width and line width of 160 ps and 9.64 pm, respectively, and used it to measure the excited-state lifetimes of monochlorobenzene and dichlorobenzene. 16 More recently, a DFB dye laser with a shorter pulse width (68 ps), which was achieved by a new type of quenching scheme, was developed.17 Therefore, a tunable picosecond laser with a shorter pulse width is useful not only for efficient ionization of molecules with shorter excited-state lifetimes but also for the excited-state lifetime measurement of these compounds.In this study, a transform-limited DFB dye laser with a shorter pulse width (< 25 ps) was developed, using a picosecond Nd:YAG laser as a pump source and employing a thinner cuvette for oscillation. The excited-state lifetime of a highly chlorinated benzene derivative, i.e., 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene, was then measured by means of a pump-probe method in SSJ/MPI-MS. Moreover, potential advantages in efficient ionization of highly chlorinated dioxins and their surrogates are discussed.
ExperimentalA block diagram of the DFB dye laser is shown in Fig. 1(a) (cf. Ref. 16). A picosecond Nd:YAG laser (Continuum, Leopard, 120 ps, 10 Hz) was employed as a pump source of the dye laser, in order to suppress additional peaks after a single isolated pulse generated using a nanosecond Nd:YAG laser. [14][15][16][17] In the oscillator stage, t...