DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2011.639547
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Managing human resources in the Latin American context: the case of Chile

Abstract: In this article several aspects of human resource management (HRM) in Chile will be examined. Initially Chile will be analysed in the context of Latin American culture and history, as it shares a number of common features with the rest of the countries of the region. Secondly, the arrival of HRM to Chile is explored, as well as how it is affected by the particular characteristics of the country. Thirdly, HRM research literature in the specific context of Chile is reviewed and analysed. Finally, some consequenc… Show more

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Cited by 24 publications
(29 citation statements)
References 64 publications
(73 reference statements)
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“…In addition, our work answers the call for a more global perspective on organisational behaviour (Gelfand et al, 2008) by providing evidence from an underexplored context, namely Latin American (Nicholls-Nixon et al, 2011) and specifically Chile. Despite the slow rise of research from Latin America (see Nicholls-Nixon et al, 2011), there is still a paucity of work from these emerging economies countries such as Chile (Perez Arrau, Eades, & Wilson, 2012;Ronda-Pupo & Díaz-Contreras, 2014). For example, in Tsui, Nifadkar, and Ou's (2007) review of cross-cultural work in top management journals, they found only one out of 93 papers that included a Chilean sample; in addition, only 13 among 517 authors were from Latin America and none from Chile.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In addition, our work answers the call for a more global perspective on organisational behaviour (Gelfand et al, 2008) by providing evidence from an underexplored context, namely Latin American (Nicholls-Nixon et al, 2011) and specifically Chile. Despite the slow rise of research from Latin America (see Nicholls-Nixon et al, 2011), there is still a paucity of work from these emerging economies countries such as Chile (Perez Arrau, Eades, & Wilson, 2012;Ronda-Pupo & Díaz-Contreras, 2014). For example, in Tsui, Nifadkar, and Ou's (2007) review of cross-cultural work in top management journals, they found only one out of 93 papers that included a Chilean sample; in addition, only 13 among 517 authors were from Latin America and none from Chile.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…La cultura chilena, producto de estar experimentando transformaciones socioeconómicas por la implementación del modelo neoliberal, ha ido disminuyendo el predominio de los valores colectivista, debilitándose la distancia de poder, sin embargo, habría un aumento en la evitación de la incertidumbre (Didier & Luna, 2017). Investigaciones realizadas desde diferentes paradigmas metodológicos encuentran resultados consistentes para toda Latinoamérica, aún prevalecen los valores que enfatizan el respeto a la autoridad y al grupo (Pérez, Eades & Wilson, 2012). Sin duda, ciertos valores han ido cambiando en las personas, sin embargo, al interior de las organizaciones parece que subsisten prácticas culturales tradicionales (Didier & Luna, 2017).…”
Section: Diferencias Culturales Sobre Confianza Interpersonal En El Tunclassified
“…En síntesis, todo lo anterior lleva a que las relaciones interpersonales sean centrales en el trabajo en Latinoamérica y, los líderes dirigen con autoridad pero afectivamente a los trabajadores, un liderazgo paternalista (Dávila & Elvira, 2012;Pérez et al, 2012).…”
Section: Diferencias Culturales Sobre Confianza Interpersonal En El Tunclassified
“…2016;Wheelen et al, 2018). En países como Colombia, Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Ecuador, Perú y Venezuela, se ha implementado la gestión del talento humano en su estrategia organizacional, acompañando al personal, innovando indicadores de compensación y políticas retentivas, estimulando un resultado motivacional hacia el cumplimiento de metas, apostando a lo estratégico y creativo (Pérez et al, 2012).…”
Section: Introductionunclassified