“…Studies have been undertaken to investigate the friction and wear properties of avocado oil [29], Calophyllum inophyllum oil [16], canola (rapeseed) oil [17,25,29,[36][37][38], coconut oil [26], corn oil [29], cotton seed oil [30], jatropha oil [13, 19-24, 31, 39], jojoba oil [12], Lunaria annua oil [40], olive oil [29], palm oil [6,15,18,22,28,34,41], peanut oil [25,29], rice bran oil [14], rubber tree seed oil [10,32], safflower oil [12,29], sesame oil [29], soybean oil [25,29,33,[42][43][44], and sunflower oil [27,43,45,46], or their chemically modified derivatives. Friction and wear behaviors of direct fatty acids derived synthetic esters have also been examined for their potential application as alternate lubricants [4,35,47,48].…”