“…Third, four serogroups of L. pneumophila, which differ in their O-antigen [103], triggered a similar TLR4-dependent cytokine response, implying that this part of the LPS is not engaging TLR4. Though finding that L. pneumophila LPS is sensed by human TLR4 is not surprising when considering the many other bacteria that have been similarly characterized, it is a major change for the L. pneumophila field, since, as noted above, the long-standing view has been that L. pneumophila LPS is recognized by TLR2 and that TLR4 is not important, as determined from murine models [13,18,25,26,28,31,33,34,117]. While LPS is the canonical PAMP for TLR4, there are other TLR4-activating signals, including glycoinositolphospholipids, lipopeptidophosphoglycans, mannuronic acid, and endogenous danger-associated molecular patterns [24,110,116,118].…”