“…This relative northeastward migration of the GAC led to its collision with the southern part of the Yucatan Platform during the Late Cretaceous (Campanian) (Mann, 1997;Mann et al, 1995;Martens et al, 2012;Pindell et al, 2023;Schenk, 2009). This age of the Cuban arc collision is supported by the age of syn-orogenic sedimentation, thrusting, northwest-directed compression, subduction of continental basement of the Maya block (NA), ophiolitic obduction, unconformities, and high-pressure metamorphism present in Guatemala, Belize, and the Yucatan margin (Boschmann et al, 2014;Fourcade et al, 1999;Gordon et al, 1997;Mann, 1997;Mann et al, 1995;Martens et al, 2012;Pindell et al, 2023;Ratschbacher et al, 2009;Schafhauser et al, 2005).…”