The J-PARC Main Ring (MR) is a high intensity proton synchrotron, which accelerates protons from 3 GeV to 30 GeV. The MR delivers 2.6 × 10 14 protons per pulse, which corresponds to the beam power of 500 kW, to the neutrino experiment as of May 2018, and the studies to reach higher beam intensities are in progress. During studies, we observed the longitudinal dipole coupled-bunch instabilities in the MR for the beam power beyond 470 kW. To mitigate them for higher beam intensities, we have developed a longitudinal mode-by-mode feedback system. The feedback system consists of a wall current monitor, a FPGA-based feedback processor, RF power amplifiers, and a RF cavity as a longitudinal kicker. In the feedback processor, we utilize the single sideband filtering technique to detect the oscillation components of the individual coupled-bunch mode in the beam signal. The frequency response of the filters in the feedback processor matched well with the simulation. The oscillation amplitude of the coupled bunch oscillation measured by the system agreed with the oscilloscope analysis.