“…Complementary modalities are used by patients with cancer to enhance the benefits of conventional treatments (e.g., radiation, chemotherapy) and to improve overall well-being and HRQOL (Fouladbakhsh et al, 2005;Fouladbakhsh & Stommel, 2010;Kemper et al, 2009;Lev-ari, Maimon, & Yaal-Hahoshen, 2006;Mansky & Wallerstedt, 2006). Use of CAM by patients with cancer is significantly associated with receiving multiple treatments, management of illness-and treatment-related symptoms, improving survival, and decreasing recurrence (Fouladbakhsh et al, 2005;Fouladbakhsh & Stommel, 2007, with patients using CAM during chemotherapy, radiation therapy, palliative therapy, and phase 1 clinical trials (von Gruenigen et al, 2006).…”